The Culprit Hormone: The Physiological Origin of School Violence amidst Middle School Students
The increasingly severe school violence has become an influential and notorious worldwide problem. The attribution of school violence determines the formulation of coping strategies. Unlike the analysis of family, psychological and social factors, long-term front-line work and follow-up studies have found that student violence’s physiological factors in adolescence are more significant than other factors. The decisive factor leading to school violence among middle school students is the secretion of sex hormones during adolescence, so hormones mostly cause violence. Attributing school violence to “sex instinct” does not deny the role of education; on the contrary, it recognizes the crux of the problem and provides the possibility of finding effective prevention and intervention measures. Using dopamine to antagonize hormones provides a physiological basis for education and violence intervention. Strengthening physical exercise, carrying out activities where boys and girls are present simultaneously, and building a harmonious teacher-student relationship and a friendly campus environment effectively prevent middle school students from campus violence.
Middle School Students, School Violence, Hormones, Physiological Causes, Coping Strategies
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