

Published Mar 30, 2021

Ru Cai

Xinping Zhang  


Under the current decentralization system in China, individual characteristics of the local political elites and collective characteristics of the standing committees of the local party have an impact on local education fiscal policy. Yet published research on the similarities and differences between the collective influence of the Standing committee and the individual influence of the political elite are lacking. To address this gap in the literature, our study discussed the impact of local political elites represented by the mayor and the secretary and the collective of standing committees of the local party on education fiscal expenditure. We construct multiple regression models and analyze the R2 Change of variables is based on the cross-sectional data from 2015 of 283 prefecture-level administrative units in China. We find that both political elites and the standing committees have significant impacts on fiscal expenditure in education, and that the influence of the latter is greater than that of the former. The effect of individual characteristics and collective characteristics on education fiscal expenditure is not completely consistent across prefectures. China's prefectural governments implement China's unique principle of democratic centralism when they make decisions on local spending for education and the collective decision-making under the leadership of the committee plays an important role in education fiscal expenditure. Based on this, we put forward policy suggestions to further develop the principle of democratic centralism and to optimize optimizing the local government education supply and evaluation mechanism.



Official Personal Characteristics, Collective Characteristics of Standing Committee of Local Party, Democratic Centralism, Education Fiscal Expenditure

Supporting Agencies

This paper is funded by The Key Project of Philosophy and Social Science Research of Ministry of Educa-tion in 2020 “Research on Evaluation Index System of High Quality Development of Education” (20JZD053). It is also A Project Funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu High-er Education Institutions (PAPD)

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How to Cite
Cai, R., & Zhang, X. (2021). An Empirical Study on the Impact of Individual Local Political Elites and Decision-Making Collective on Educational Fiscal Expenditure in China. Best Evidence in Chinese Education, 7(2), 961–985. https://doi.org/10.15354/bece.21.or023
Original Article