

Published Mar 25, 2024

Romina de Los Ángeles Virgilio  


The use of video games among adolescents has become a prevalent form of entertainment and leisure activity in today’s digital age. However, the impact of extensive video game exposure on the cognitive development of young individuals is a topic of growing concern. Understanding how video games affect various aspects of cognition, such as attention, memory, problem-solving skills, and academic performance, is crucial for educators, parents, and healthcare professionals. This review delves into the cognition-impairing effects of video games in adolescents, exploring the research findings, challenges, and potential strategies to mitigate the negative consequences on cognitive function.



Video Games, Adolescents, Cognition Dysfunction, Game Exposure, Performance

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How to Cite
Virgilio, R. de L. Ángeles. (2024). The Cognition-Impairing Effect of Video Games in Adolescents. Science Insights, 44(3), 1283–1289. https://doi.org/10.15354/si.24.re935