

Published Oct 28, 2024

Maja Zmak  


The well-documented detrimental effects of tobacco on children and adolescents make it imperative to prevent tobacco use in young populations, which is a critical public health objective. Youth are particularly susceptible to nicotine’s addictive properties, and they are more susceptible to developing an addiction to tobacco products if they begin using them at a young age, according to research. The reduction of tobacco use among young people can be achieved by implementing evidence-based strategies, including increasing the minimum legal age for purchasing tobacco products, increasing taxation on these products, restricting marketing aimed at youth, and facilitating comprehensive school-based prevention programs, etc. Furthermore, prevention initiatives may be further bolstered by initiatives to encourage smoke-free environments and offer access to smoking cessation resources. In order to effectively prevent tobacco use in young populations and promote healthier outcomes for future generations, it is necessary to target various levels of intervention and involve multiple sectors, including healthcare professionals, educators, policymakers, and community leaders.



Tobacco Products, Prevention, Young Population, Health Care, Smoking Cessation

Supporting Agencies

No funding source declared.

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How to Cite
Zmak, M. (2024). Could We Prevent Tobacco Products in Young Populations?. Science Insights, 45(4), 1557–1562. https://doi.org/10.15354/si.24.op202