

Published Oct 28, 2024

Joel S. Hall

Wayne Murphy  


Continuous nicotine exposure during adolescence can have profound implications on the development and well-being of individuals in this critical stage of life. As the prevalence of nicotine use among adolescents continues to be a significant public health concern, understanding the impact of this addictive substance on young minds and bodies is crucial. We explored the various dimensions of nicotine exposure in adolescents, from its effects on brain development and cognitive function to the social, emotional, and educational consequences. By looking into the complexities of adolescent nicotine addiction, we can better comprehend the challenges faced by this vulnerable population and develop potential strategies for prevention and intervention.



Nicotine, Neurological Mechanisms, Adolescents, Cognitive Dysfunction, Addiction

Supporting Agencies

No funding source declared.

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How to Cite
Hall, J. S., & Murphy, W. (2024). The Neurological Impact of Continuous Nicotine Exposure in Adolescents. Science Insights, 45(4), 1563–1574. https://doi.org/10.15354/si.24.re1067