

Published Oct 28, 2024

Shengnan Zhao  


The Report on Chinese Adolescent Tobacco Use 2023 announces a year-on-year decline in the prevalence of smoking in Chinese teenagers. Nevertheless, the hazards of tobacco products to the physical and mental health of this population remain a concerning issue. This study is an encapsulation of factors influencing the smoking behavior of Chinese adolescents based on a review of relevant literature. Personal characteristics such as gender, age, psychological traits, lifestyle, and perceptions of tobacco use, along with environmental factors like the family environment, circle of friends, and school climate, can all potentially influence a teenager's smoking behavior. A thorough examination of these factors can provide implications for advancing the regulation of teenager tobacco use and improving the work on adolescent health protection.



Adolescent Smoking Behavior, Teen Tobacco Use, Influencing Factors

Supporting Agencies

No funding source declared.

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How to Cite
Zhao, S. (2024). Factors Influencing Tobacco Use in Chinese Teenagers. Science Insights, 45(4), 1585–1591. https://doi.org/10.15354/si.24.re1075