

Published Oct 31, 2021

Xuedong Liu  

Yuelan Gao


The “General-to-Vocational Student Roughly Equivalent” policy is an integral part of the top-level design of China’s vocational education. The paper analyzed the value of the policy from a multidisciplinary perspective and reviewed its development path. According to the statistical analysis of the “General-to-Vocational Student Ratio (GVR)” data from 2009 to 2018, it can be seen that the policy has been implemented well. Still, the GVR has a trend of further expansion. Therefore, to ensure the effective implementation of this policy, relevant policy recommendations are put forward from stakeholders such as the government, secondary vocational schools, and parents of students.


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General-to-Vocational Student Roughly Equivalent, General-to-Vocational Student Ratio, High School Education

Supporting Agencies

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How to Cite
Liu, X., & Gao, Y. (2021). New Era, New Choice: The Implementation Path of the “General-to-Vocational Student Roughly Equivalent” Policy in High School Education. Science Insights Education Frontiers, 10(1), 1323–1340. https://doi.org/10.15354/sief.21.or053
Original Article