Development of Digital Education in the Age of Digital Transformation: Citing China’s Practice in Smart Education as a Case Study
Digital education has been catalyzing educational transition, transforming the educational views and instructional techniques while also providing opportunities for high-quality educational development. This is a subject that all nations throughout the world are concerned about. The worldwide practice of integrating digital technologies in teaching has yielded positive results. The Global Digital Education Conference, which was held in Beijing, China, in 2023, called for global collaboration on digital education development. This paper sought to illustrate the significance of digital education for educational reform and to investigate ways for digital education development in this context, using China’s smart education practice as evidence.
Digital Education, Education Transformation, World Digital Education Conference, Digital Transformation, AI Technology
This study is a part of the Research on Strategies for Online Teaching of Primary and Secondary Schools in Jiangsu Province in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic (Project #: 2020SJZDA110), a major research project in philosophy and social sciences in universities of Jiangsu Province.
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